“Piecing Together Insecurities: A Multimedia Exploration”

Inspired by Jerry Grant's collaborative works, I created a piece that confronts common insecurities through a mix of media, adding texture for depth. At the top, I explored my personal insecurities about my nose and lips, which grew into a broader dissatisfaction with my face. Using magazine clippings of models, I constructed a "Mr. Potato Head"-like collage, symbolizing the disjointed ideals of beauty I internalized. Moving downward, I addressed the challenges of living with asthma—a condition that has often restricted my ability to engage in sports and everyday activities. While some days I feel unaffected, other times, I'm sharply reminded of its presence. Finally, at the base of the piece, I tackled one of the most universal struggles among women: body image and the insecurities that accompany it.




Fragments of the Mind: A Tribute to Support